Those who know know us as the experts in culture analytics. We launched our survey-based assessment service in 2017 for companies to measure and visualise employee mindsets and organisational culture using a behavioral framework from Charles O’Reilly at Stanford.
Using survey results, we were able to map individual norms and behaviors to those of groups, and for the last 2 years we’ve been providing deep insights into team dynamics to help companies maximize performance and employee engagement.
Then something really interesting happened.
We recently discovered that we’re able to predict someone’s assessment results surprisingly well based solely on the content in their LinkedIn profile (using a mix of science and machine learning) Today, we’re sharing that ability with the world.
Meet Emma, an A.I. that’s able to predict a person’s mindset, motivations, and working style based on 100 indicators in their public profile. Emma combines information like past employers and roles with more subtle indicators like the language candidates use to describe their work, the posts they share publicly, and the way colleagues talk about them.
The result? A more holistic picture of a person’s priorities – and potential fit for the role – with 1 click.

As an example, here’s how Emma compares Richard Branson and Bill Gates.
While these two leaders have similarities in their experience – they both founded their own companies over 40 years ago, built innovative, billion-dollar empires, and have since shifted into more philanthropic roles. But their profiles suggest they have very different approaches to work, and thus might be better suited for different kinds of companies.
For example, here’s what Emma has to say about Richard Branson:

You can see that Emma has nicely picked up some of Richard’s more famous attributes. The man who founded a spaceflight company, lives on a remote Caribbean island, and once crossed the Atlantic in a hot air balloon is certainly known as an explorer.
By contrast, here’s what Emma has to say about Bill Gates:

Emma sees Bill as more structured and efficient in his approach to work, while still being highly independent – an archetype Emma refers to as “the sage”. Indeed, his sage-like approach helped him build one of the most successful and innovative technology companies in the world.
Celebrity CEOs aside, how clever is Emma, really?
We wanted to test this for ourselves and compared the results from our survey-based assessment service to Emma’s analysis, and it turns out that she does a remarkably good job of predicting someone’s assessment results (the correlation between the two methods was 0.74, indicating a strong relationship between them).

We believe this new A.I. can change the way people approach meeting new professional contacts, whether it’s a potential hire, a sales prospect, or a new team member. Today, we’re releasing a free version for anyone to try.
Test Emma:
Want to see how well Emma knows you? Download our extension in the Chrome store and find out!
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