⏰  Constantly rotating

👩‍👧‍👦  Both customer-facing AND non-customer facing team members should be on support


Job to be done: Improve customer-orientation in the team & increase awareness and empathy for the customers and their needs 

How to do it: Every person on the team spends a portion of their day, week, or month on customer support. Decide what schedule makes most sense for your team, but make sure that everyone (whether customer-facing, or not) spends time on customer support.

At Bunch we had a kick-off meeting before implementing round robin customer care where we went through guidelines on how we communicate with customers (treat customers like family, go the extra mile, and always aim to delight) and what to do in specific situations. We defined DEFCON states (eg. data security issues and angry customers) and we outlined what we aim for with regards to response time, out of office hours, etc.

To make sure nobody misses their shift, our customer success guru put the shift plan in everyone’s agenda with a notification when their shift is starting.

By rotating customer support your staff will get insights directly from clients about how they think, and what they need. This ritual will greatly increase empathy towards your customers, which in turn leads to better business decisions.  

Pro Tip: Pair up a newbie to a dedicated support agent when they’re just starting out.


Used by companies like:       


“Customer service is not a department, it’s everyone’s job.” – Edgar Mitchell

Read more about how other companies do this