You may wonder: What makes a successful leader? Why do some teams work so well together while others struggle? And how does one create a cohesive office culture? Everyday, we at Bunch explore how culture and collaboration is making companies stronger and team members more engaged. Our complete team is constantly looking for best-practice and interesting publications. In our new series #TeamPicks we will share our learnings, readings and thoughts with you on Fridays.
The first insight was picked by our Data Scientist Alexandra, short Sasha. She holds a Masters Degree in Political Science and Statistics and started at Bunch as an intern in 2017. Now, she is part of our tech and analyst team.
Her Tip: „Ask the right questions“ published by re:work
Summary: The word leadership is often used as a hype word, but the truth is every great organization needs its leaders. Successful leaders are those who embody effectiveness, efficiency, and experience. With effectiveness, comes better performance over time. Efficiency, on the other hand, would cause lower costs. Finally, experience would contribute to the holistic perception that a company cares about its processes and customers. All three of those elements are important to a different extent for different organizations.
Exactly those leaders recognize that action comes from a compelling story, backed by data, tailored to an audience and easy to understand. The story should always have its basic three components: context, findings and call to action. The leaders are also the ones who plan, schedule, and measure tasks and achievements to ensure everything is not only done on time, but also done in the best way possible. They update all stakeholders on a regular basis and effectively communicate results to their employees.
If you want to continue reading, you will find the complete article here.
PS: Make sure to come back and read the upcoming #TeamPicks – coming soon!